Community Partnerships Benefit Ngukurr Community
ITEC Group Australia’s joint venture partner My CDP has teamed up to design the first hoodie prototype which has been designed on community by and for My CDP. The hoodie was supplied by Indigenous workwear company RAM Supply Co and made from 100% Australian grown cotton.
The embroidery design and production was carried out on the Ngukurr community with support from My CDP’s Mandi Jeffs, My CDP Women’s Supervisor, Les Robinson Ngukurr CDP Site Manager and the My CDP crew who are developing a neat little Social Enterprise in the clothing and textile space, that will supply Indigenous designed work uniforms in the region. As part of this preparation 3 larger embroidery machines have been sourced and will be in place when our participants return to the activity.
Currently the My CDP crew are busy making up bags that will be given to all CDP participants to store their drink bottles and cups in as part of our COVID-19 management strategy. These bags will be available to the public for purchase through Ngukurr’s Darlala Motel. The first major job has been picked up locally, with RAM to supply 150 work shirts for our CDP participants to embroider. The income from the job will economically benefit the local community rather than going to an outside organisation.
Vanessa Goggin, General Manager of RAM Supply Co has agreed to utilise My CDP as an embroidery supplier for selected products sold in the Northern Territory. Research and Development continues to be carried out by My CDP in readiness for a move to full production.In conjunction with the NIAA (National Indigenous Australians Agency), who are committed to supporting implementation that improves the lives of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, a team of project staff will work on setting up other regions, especially those with promising Activities Generating Income (AGI).
“This is one of the most promising and exciting community economic projects I’ve been involved in for many years in the employment industry.”, commented Tim Cram ITEC Employment Operations Manager.
For more information on ITEC Employment’s employment and community services go to: For specialist Indigenous workwear supply go to www.ramsupply.coMedia Contact: | |
Ngukurr myCDP Site Manager – Les Robinson | Phone: 08 79698 7104 |
Email: | |
Secondary contact: | |
ITEC Group Australia Marketing Coordinator – Clare Macpherson | Phone: 07 4044 1037 |
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